Nowadays, you can see too much of internet resources are consumed by useless garbage like spams, virus traffics, circular forwarded useless e-mails and many other stuff…. Its administrator’s job to decrease internet traffic with using power of accelerators, caches, antispams and software’s like that…. Today I installed new web-cache server, the most famous one SQUID. About a year ago I installed one on OpenBSD with a Compaq proliat, but the server was not so powerful to handle all demands as fast as you can feel it. The company bought Two Compaq G3 servers, I installed one as corporate mail server using Qmail on FreeBSD, the last one that I was working on today, I used it as Network Gateway and Firewall, I’m sure it can handle all demands, so I’m not worry about that. The reason I’m writing this is to tell you some directions to make your own cache server,...