
Is it Microsoft bug or SQUID cache server bug?!

By on Dec 27, 2004 in Internet, Software and Tools | 0 comments

These days I received lots of complains from my network users about logging into HOTMAIL, I installed an squid cache server in the transparent mode and it was working fine. I found out that when a user use IE6 and after logging into HOTMAIL.COM, instead of mailbox a blank page was appeared! But with Netscape 7.2 which I normally use, there is no problem! After some work around the issue I found out that its because of header encoding which IE uses to place its requests. Getting rid of this problem is very easy but the concept from SQUID Cache server point of view is, we have to anonymize headers to not to use encodings. for SQUID version 2.5.STABLE7, use the following configuration in squid.conf: header_access Accept-Encoding deny all for SQUID Version 2.4.STABLE6 anonymize_headers deny Accept-Encoding the second configuration may work for HOTMAIL, but check with GMAIL this might not...

PF Firewalling small tip

By on Nov 20, 2004 in Internet, Networking, Software and Tools | 0 comments

I was trying to block HTTP access of one of my users, I have a SQUID Cache server/Gateway in my network bottleneck and I just use one of Ethernet ports of that server just for catching HTTP connections and cache contents, I also installed a PF as Firewall. As you may know with PF is very easy to block any kind of access inbound or outbound, I used following command to not to let my user be able to initiate HTTP requests by editting /etc/pf.conf: block in on bge0 proto tcp from to any port 80 But I experienced a strange thing, the client was able to use HTTP, I also checked my SQIUID, all user queries were passing through SQUID proxy, the reason was because PF redirects packets before any kind of filtering! IMPORTANT: PF redirects packets before any kind of filtering So then, I edited /etc/pf.conf like this: table {, ! } . . . rdr on bge0 proto tcp from to...

Multiple Websites on a single Host

By on Oct 5, 2004 in Internet, Networking, Software and Tools | 0 comments

Have you ever stopped how shared Hosting service providers put multiple websites with different domain names on a single host and single IP? They usually call it shared webhosting in contrast with dedicated servers, if you are curious to find out how it works read this PDF. Multiple Websites on a sigle Host Later, I will add some documents about Tomcat and Apache Webserver, though the concept is the same.

Web Hosting and Domain Registration

By on Oct 5, 2004 in Internet | 0 comments

Today I started my new business, now I am representative and reseller of a WebHosting company, I can offer you best prices, so send me an e-mail for details, be sure that you will find it cheaper than the other companies! Try it! The Datacenter is based in Canada and Domains will be registered on tucows!

Here is my website

By on Sep 21, 2004 in Just Blogged | 0 comments

These days I was busy with my website, I prepaired it using JSP/Java/Servlets and Net beans, but my provider still didn’t send me information about the J2EE facilities of their hosting, I had to launch my website so I moved to PHP for first time. PHP is like JSP but it doesn’t compile to a servlet or any other binaries, PHP translates pages as they are requested then it generates an out put. I found that its very useful to make reports. In PHP you just need to make your file as a text document then insert some PHP tags for your specific purposes then pass that file to PHP interpreter: $ vi myfile.php $ php myfile.php Then it will show your text containing result of PHP processed data. I enjoyed using PHP, its fast and powerfull, you can find more information about PHP in its official website, documentation is very good and prepared in different formats. PHP Website:...

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