These days I received lots of complains from my network users about logging into HOTMAIL, I installed an squid cache server in the transparent mode and it was working fine. I found out that when a user use IE6 and after logging into HOTMAIL.COM, instead of mailbox a blank page was appeared! But with Netscape 7.2 which I normally use, there is no problem! After some work around the issue I found out that its because of header encoding which IE uses to place its requests. Getting rid of this problem is very easy but the concept from SQUID Cache server point of view is, we have to anonymize headers to not to use encodings. for SQUID version 2.5.STABLE7, use the following configuration in squid.conf: header_access Accept-Encoding deny all for SQUID Version 2.4.STABLE6 anonymize_headers deny Accept-Encoding the second configuration may work for HOTMAIL, but check with GMAIL this might not...