
Properties of JDK which could be verified or validated

By on Oct 4, 2006 in Programming | 0 comments

Verification proves that a product meets all requirements that have been specified during the previous activities and these activities are carried out correctly, whereas validation is concerned about meeting the user’s requirements [Lewis, 2005, p.7]. As we all know, JDK can be either verified or validated, because it’s delivered in two different ways, Sun provides JDK as a source code package as well as compiled version. Therefore customer can go through the source code and investigate software flaws (if there is any). I’d like to highlight few properties by which we can verify or validate this software. The table below listed some of the properties that I want to discuss them. Property Verify Validate-------------------------------------------------------------Source Code Documentation XSoftware portability XError Handling X XObjects and Functions Integrity X XCode Efficiency...

The technology in next 50 years

By on Dec 29, 2005 in Philosophy, Top Stories | 0 comments

We all know that the technology is strongly tightened with our lives; if we look around we can easily find technology footprints. We are surrounded by technology, we are borne with technology and live with technology. It’s been long time that this phenomenon is penetrated to any aspect of our life. As a proof we can refer to UNESCO reports and announcements that define literate individuals as people who are able to program computers. This implies the fact that we need to employ technology in order to find ourselves as a member of a modern society. This is the beginning, technology growth will never stop, and hence living in modern societies enforces us to employ this phenomenon more than ever. No one could believe that those big, heavy and low quality music players would be replaced by small, light and high quality digital music players? This particular example shows the...

Using NetMeeting to share your Desktop

By on Sep 15, 2005 in Networking | 0 comments

NetMeeting, like any other Client-Server technologies, need two different types of configuration to share your home desktop to be accessed from remote.At Server side you need to configure NetMeeting to host your connection session, after configuring the server side you will have a service running on your system waiting for remote connections, for the client side you don’t need to do very specific settings. Read full story.

JAVA: Using JPanel as Application Main Panel

By on Jul 17, 2005 in Featured, Programming | 0 comments

Most of the programmers like to have the most beautiful menu bars and components in their applications, but in Java programming language, because of limited access to system level resources; it is a little bit difficult.Today I am going to explain how to make an attractive application frame, what I am going to say here is just the basics and a simple application that you can download and run it as a NetBeas Project.Since I usually use NetBeans IDE, this entire document is based on that IDE, so if you want to match this information with your programming environment you might check documents of your product.Normally when you are going to build a menu driven application in java, you make a Frame then start adding new components, this shows the normal borde for your application, but if you need more your should use JPanel instead of JFrame, working with JPanel need more manual codes but...

Loading Cisco IOS from ROMMON…

By on Jul 2, 2005 in Networking | 0 comments

Few days ago when I reloaded my Cisco 3725, it didn’t come up, I tried many times, I found that it can not be the IOS problem, though it could’t be found by the router, I finally recovered that problem, my Cisco Instructor, Charles, gave me useful hints to fix my problem.Here I want to tell you about useful commands in ROMMON mode which help you to run your IOS from flash: memory, dir and boot , see the examples below: rommon2> dir flash:       File size         Checksum  File name5358032 bytes (0x51c1d0) 0x7b16    c2600-i-mz.122-10b.binrommon3> boot flash:c2600-i-mz.122-10b.bin You can find more information about those commands in...

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